1. Sanjeevani Estates Private Limited, a Joint Stock Private Limited Company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, (in short Developer) conceived a residential housing project and accordingly in or about November, 2000 purchased a piece and parcel of land in Dag No. 57/867 recorded in Khatian No. Kri-299 at Mouza Atghara P. S. Rajarhat in the close proximity of the Calcutta Airport.
  2. In around the same time the Developer negotiated with and proposed to its associates for purchase of several adjoining plots for being included in the proposed project.
  3. Pursuant thereto and in order to form into a consortium of land owners and develop the proposed housing project, the associates of the Developer purchased and acquired several plots of land adjacent to each other.
  4. The total area of land was so purchased by about 17 persons including other joint stock companies with the intent and object of putting the same into a joint pool and at the disposal of and in the hands of the Developer to enable it take up the complete development and construction of the project.
  5. The total area of land so put in by the land owners is about 6 (Six) Bighas 7 (Seven) Cottahs 7 (Seven) Chittacks and 36 (Thirty Six) Square feet (equivalent to 9000 square meters approximately) and the same is comprised in different Dags.
  6. Such land owners have purchased their respective pieces and parcels of land after scrutiny of title of the earlier owners who have conveyed the land to the present owners free from all encumbrances, charges, claims, lispendens, trusts, demands, acquisitions, requisitions or attachments etc. and the present owners have clear and marketable title to the said several plots of land.
  7. Recitals relating to the 38 deeds of conveyances and flow of title from previous owners to the present owners whereby the entire area comprised in the project has been acquired by the present owners, are mentioned in preamble portion of the model deed of conveyance included herein at Appendix – IV.
  8. A Specimen Copy of one of the deeds of conveyance granted in favour of the land owners is included herein at Appendix - V.